Available courses

1Timothy 4:13  "Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine."

Equipped To Survive The End Time

This world is falling apart. The conductor of the ages has stepped up to Heaven's podium, tapped the music stand bringing His celestial orchestra to attention. He has raised his hands signifying the start of the final End Time piece. There is a brief, very brief, moment of silence. The End Time drama has begun.

The church must live like His return is a lifetime away and yet be prepared as if His return is today. There are some essentials for Apostolic living that must be established in our daily walk with God if we are going to be victorious in the last days. Every child of God must be trained in Christian
disciplines that will equip them for the winds of false doctrine, the wiles of the Devil, the fiery darts of Satan, and the greatest enemy we face as Christians, which is the carnal mind of the flesh. We need basic training for life.

Survival Kit

What follows in this manual is a survival kit for the sincere-hearted child of God. For the next 10 lessons, we are going to be attending boot camp for the End Time Christian Militia, We are engaging in basic training for life. Each lesson, we will be covering the bare necessities for survival. It is vital that you have this equipment in your survival kit. These provisions are absolute necessities if you are to survive from now until the return of Jesus Christ. In these lessons, we will be training in the areas of:

·        Repentance

·        Water Baptism

·        Spirit Baptism

·        Worship

·        Prayer

·        Godhead

·        Holiness

·        Standards

·        Spiritual Gifts

·        The Church


2 Peter 3:10-11

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be….

1Timotheo 4:13  "Ket chunyi kuom somo ni ji Wach Nyasaye, kendo kuom lando wach, kendo kuom puonjo ji, nyaka chieng’ moro abi. "


Isn’t it thrilling to think of yourself as a DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? You have been born again John 3:3-5, and as commanded in II Peter 3:18, you are now in the process of growing in

Grace and the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. DID YOU KNOW…That Jesus came into the world that you may have eternal life and have it more ABUNDANTLY? (John 10:10) That Paul admonished his converts to be “…strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:10) That God gave us the Holy Bible, so the child of God could be perfect (mature or full grown), and be completely furnished for every good work? (II Timothy 3:16-17) This Training, “Back to the Basic Training for Life” was written for you with the purpose that God had in mind for your life. God wants you, HIS LITTLE CHILD, to become A CHAMPION. In order to become a champion in any area of life, one must submit to DISCIPLINE AND TRAINING. This course will give you the practical outline, exercise, and proper guidance, which will lead to a successful, abundant life. Read the ascribed lesson, fill in the blanks EVERY DAY, and STRIVE TO MAKE AN “A.” Repeat the DAILY DECLARATION at least once every morning and evening. Repeat the memory verse every morning and evening until you have memorized it. We look at the early New Testament disciples with starry eyes and think of them as “Spiritual Giants” or “Heroes of the Faith. Yet, by following the simple steps outlined in this course, you will become a real Bible disciple in this 21st Century. God will use you to bless and help your family as He used the New Testament disciples 2,000 years ago.

Remember, Jesus said that when you pray, enter into thy closet and shut the door. Why? Because He wants the person not to be distracted as he prays aloud. When one prays aloud and knows he is praying properly, it will create real confidence and boldness in one’s prayer life. Congratulations and God bless you. Always remember, NOW YOU ARE HIS DISCIPLE, and you can expect Him to help you just as He helped the disciples who lived for Him in the Bible days. Yours for Spiritual Growth, 



An in-depth study of the book of Acts. Topics include: birth of the early church, Paul's conversion, the ministries of Paul, Philip, Peter, and Paul's missionary journeys.

This course reviews how we got the Bible, its unique status in world literature, its structure, names, divisions, figures of speech, central focus on Jesus Christ, how to study the Bible, the major differences between Bible translations & more.

This course provides a foundation for successful Christian living. Topics covered include prayer, fasting, the Word, the Christian family, stewardship, spiritual warfare, and more.

An introduction to the great doctrines of the Bible including: the Godhead, the person and nature of Jesus Christ, divine healing, water baptism, salvation, eternal judgment, and more.

A detailed study of the four Gospels including the birth of Christ, period of inauguration, early and later Galilean ministry, Jesus' Judean ministry, the Passion Week, and the Resurrection.

This course establishes the need for, and many benefits of, home bible study evangelism. Students will learn how to effectively teach home Bible Studies.

This course surveys the 13 New Testament epistles (letters) attributed to the Apostle Paul, plus the Book of Hebrews.  These epistles are some of the earliest Christian documents. As such, they provide valuable insights into the beliefs, doctrines, and controversies of early Christianity.  

This course is a systematic study of the Godhead.  Subjects include: The Mighty God in Christ Jesus, The Right Hand of God, The Origins of the Trinity Doctrine, "Co-Equality", The Name of God, The Sonship of Jesus Christ, The Mystery of Deity, Answers to Questions About the Godhead, and much more.

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A thorough study of the preparation and delivery of sermons. Basic principles of persuasive speaking are integrated with considerations unique to inspired expository preaching.

This course reviews the nature and attributes of God, sin, Satan, the fall of man, the atonement, resurrection of Christ, names and titles of God, salvation, faith, repentance, justification, and much more.

A course that covers a study of leadership responsibilities and qualities. This course will cover the leaders motives, attitudes, character, qualities and skills necessary to be successful in the ministry.

This course is designed to prepare students for Christian service within the church and in their local communities. Topics covered include the minister’s qualifications, calling, family relationships, personal life, and much more.

This course surveys the major events, people, and doctrines of the New Testament, by examining each book’s authorship, audience, setting, themes, and relationship to other books of the Bible. 

This course surveys the major events, people, and writings of the Old Testament, by examining each book’s authorship, genre, setting, themes, and relationship to other books of the Bible.  

This course emphasizes the biblical commandment  for every Christian to communicate the  gospel by personal witnessing. Various types and methods of evangelism are explored.

Introduces the student to the theological doctrines of last things: death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world.  The course also looks at  the Tribulation,  Armageddon, the Second Advent of Christ, the Millennium, the New Jerusalem, and the eternal state.

This course is a systematic study of the Church of Jesus Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective. 

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of salvation from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the person and work of Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of mankind from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is an in-depth study of the doctrine of God in Oneness Pentecostal theology. 

This course reviews the 2nd Book of Moses, which records the Israelites' deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai, the  Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and much more.

This course is a systematic study of the  feast days and offerings outlined in the Book of Leviticus. 

A review of history from 33 AD (the day of Pentecost) to the present from an apostolic perspective with evidence that the apostolic doctrine has persisted through progressive world changes.

A brief review of the Pentecostal experience in modern Church history (from 1,900 AD to the present).

This course explores the process of becoming a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Subjects include: The 6 Steps to Prayer, Our Adversaries, Sanctification, Contentment, Manifold Grace, the Role of the Pastor & 5-Fold ministry, Giving, Tithing & Faithfulness to Church, Conduct & Communication for the Christian, The Apostolic Church Service, Being a Soul Winner, Serving, Conduct, Character, & Attitude, and much more.

Mark 16:15  "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

The student will learn to defend Apostolic doctrine against false religions and teachings, such as: predestination, Jehovah witness, Mormonism, unconditional eternal security, Seventh Day Adventism, evolution, Eastern religions and others.

This course surveys the 7 epistles not written by Paul,  They are named by their authors: James, 1st & 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John, and Jude.

This course is part of the Believers Bible Institute, a program designed to equip believers for effective spiritual harvest. 

The basic theme of the training is to teach what Jesus taught,  that which took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, etc., and changed them into reproductive Christians who reached their world with the Gospel in a demonstration of power.

This is a single course in one of several modules of curriculum which moves believers from visualizing through deputizing, multiplying, organizing, and mobilizing to achieve the goal of evangelizing.

This course is part of the Believers Bible Institute, a program designed to equip believers for effective spiritual harvest. 

The basic theme of the training is to teach what Jesus taught,  that which took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, etc., and changed them into reproductive Christians who reached their world with the Gospel in a demonstration of power. 

This is a single course in one of several modules of curriculum which moves believers from visualizing through deputizing, multiplying, organizing, and mobilizing to achieve the goal of evangelizing.